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charlice theron

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: August 18, 2007
Groups appears in:   Whatever the weather    Black and White    more » Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    ART DISTRICT    Art Now    Art and Artists.    Spain    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    Photography    No Rules    España    B&W    en español, plis :)    A Few of My Favorite Things    Magic Moments    PhotoShop    What's your angle, buddy?    Black and White Photography    Flickr Addicts    Black BackGrounD    Emotional draws    AMaZiNG    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Beautiful is Boring    Amateurs    Creative    minimalmonochromaticism    favorite    #flickr    Art After Art    visit the world - the travel guide    art gallery    ART OUT LOUD    Everything B&W    PB    White and Black    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    One a Day    1-2-3    10-25 favorites [No nudes / erotic]    drawings    The Drawing Club at Flickr    PAINTING    Conceptual photography    Monochromatic world    dream or reality?    Minimalist art    Favourites (3+ Faves) READ THE RULES, PLEASE    .Black & White.    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    UrFavs    Creative Photography    Imagination    drawing    anything is ok    anything and everything    B&W DREAMS    Artists Without Cameras    pencil portraits    Artistic Shot    Best Shot    Black & White Pictures    Nice shooters    Ink Drawings    Amateur Photography    GRUPO PARA ESPAÑOLES    Your favs    Nice!    Alone    Drawings of Females    simple    dibus    art show    This    Art makes you happy!    without rules    Monochrome Lovers    P A I N T I N G S    AMAZING: commented with amazing    Classic Art portrait    All The Small Things    B&W Gallery    DRAWING (charcoal, pencil, pastel, etc.)    Nice pictures    *Interesting Portraits    2500 Views    Art: The revolution!    Paintings from you... THE ARTIST    600 views or more    Drawing/painting celebrities.    My best    NO FLASH!    A Photo a Day...    Beauty is Simple    your view    Views    2000 views + 10 favorites    Life in Black & White    black white contrast    art therapy    White and Black Photography    BEST in B&W photography    Art - Drawing and Painting    Portraits in B&W and monochrome    :black:contrast:white:    1000 views + 40 faves - Quality AND Quantity    1300 views    3000 Views    Love to Draw or paint    Draw everything    art-poems    Drawing team    Portraits -    Curiosidades    B&W Love Actually    pintura    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    No rules-Best rules !!!    ART / REAL    Beginners Only    Favorites: 60    Pintores novatos    The Portrait Painter    *Paintings & Drawings*    Portraits That Tell a Story (READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!)    In Your Face - Portraits    Arte    Drawing: We do it everyday    *I Love This*    Art / 藝術    Paintspace -- (No 30/60)    Drawingspace    amateur hour    Use your Flickr favourites!    Amateur Photography for anyone and everyone    art for art    Portrait Club    Amateur Photographers United    SimpleDrawings    Digital Classic Black and White    1900 Views (-2000)    Amazing Views    Your mind, your photos    Favourited    >INSPIRE Collective    灰色 [Grey/Gris/Gris]    2400 Views (-2500)    No Rules!    Flickr B&W    _ Drawings _    * Flickr en Español    A Place to find Peace    * Menos es Más    * B&N en Español    b/n concepcion    CentralFlickr    art and ilustration    30 Faves    * Caras & Expresiones *    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    1101-1400 Views    Your world! Only colorful pictures!    Art using the female figure    `No Rules!    2001-2400 Views    2401-2800 Views    Minimalist Race    *Your Best of Black & White*    YOUR Favourites    5 FAV Current Paintings (moderated)    Everyday Photography    All things beautiful in Nature (no humans or man made objects)    B&N    The Best Portraits    finally we are no one    The Flikr Group    PAINTING / PINTURA / PEINTURE let's talk    LiFe iS.....    5501-6000 Views    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Primeira Impressão!!    Amatuer Photography    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    views 2222    views 4444    views 5555    Painted Human Portraits    Simple and minimalistic    :: Black & White flowers ::    B+W    Pencil Drawing    draw something    Arte Urbano enValencia.    BEAUTIFUL (commented with beautiful)    Aspiring Young Photographers    *I FAV*    6001-6500 Views (Comments required)    Nice views    "Our Favorite Pics."    Arte en español    Photos with 1000 views (and more)    /~Your Favorite~\ *Please read rules.*    anything is possible    minimum 1000 views    minimum 2000 views    minimum 3000 views    minimum 4000 views    minimum 5000 views    Anything at all    5000 VIEWS(must have 5,000 views)    A Place For Portraits    In Camera B/W    *Karma*    Portrait Portrait Portrait (Read THE RULE).....yes because there    *interesting* interestingness    minimum 1500 views    A MOMENT OF LIFE    Silentium    1600 Views    I Love It!    ... las que más me gustan ...    Photoshop,art    art, paintings    Tus Fotos Favoritas    'Views: 2000 - 2500    'Views: 2500 - 3000    'Views: 3000 - 4000    'Views: 4000 - 5000    Amanti del Bianco e Nero/ Lovers of Black and White photography    **Beautiful Concepts**    nice shots    Artists of flickr!    B & W    Favorite Pictures    Favorite Portraits    Art is Art    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    *FAV*, all my best fav pics    favorites 30    favorites 40    favorites 50    favorites 60    Favorites only: One photo/One Comment-to the right of your photo    Its a 'fav' for me!    _B&W_    Flickr it!    All Day I Dream About Photography    20 Favorites    30 Favorites    Small things in life    ♫ A BIG GROUP ♫    "Emozioni in bianco e nero - Emotions in Black and White    Photomania!    Amor em preto e branco    Black and White Macro    Nice Things    A Portrait    B&W Travel Pics [no sepia!]    Black & White Digital    Flickr's FAV : 20    Flickr's FAV : 30    Flickr's FAV : 40    Flickr's FAV : 50    Flickr's FAV : 60    EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING ELSE    20 Faves    ~600 to 700~    ~700 to 800~    Fav Me!    Flickr everybody looking up    Viewed 2000 - 2500 (open minded)    Olympus Digital Compact's Users    Viewed 4000 - 5000 (open minded)    Viewed 5000 - 10.000 (open minded)    Black_White    B/W ... the world in black and white    I Love Black and White!    all photo    ! Illustration Now !    **FlickrsBest**    PORTRAITS - A Gallery for your Best Portraiture    You Think this is Art    Your Favorite Photographs    40 faves - 400 views or less (when posted)    *LIFE*    Art in Black and White    BW and Sepia    SHOW OFF YOUR PICS!!    Digital Black And White    Ilustração    Monocromatic and Dominants    Photography Lovers    Amazing Photo!    ! ! "Best Of Flickr Level 1 +15 faves P1/fav/AW 3    Shoot!    ilustraciones    Artist? I AM art    Art of Photography    One Of A Kind    Blanco y Negro = Black and White    A Shot a Day ... Or So    Artists And Their Art    Noir Photography    !!! Beautiful, simply beautiful !!!    Anything you wish    20 Favs    Ilustraciones y bocetos.    V5000    V2000    V3000    V6000    V7000    Anything Goes.    Your Best Photo | Sua Melhor Foto    'Views: 5000 - 7500    PIC POEMS    Art and Portraits    Portraits Unlimited    Your Best Photography    Aspiring Young Photographers (30 and under)    FAV's    Fav Me    artistic photos(b/w,sephia)    "i am young, crazy and beautiful" community    **WORK with PHOTOSHOP** (1 Post / 2 Comments)    ART WOMEN post 1 and comment any 1    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Emotional Drawings, Drawing from picutres or photos    My fav TOP50    all views    Portraits Of    Contrasts 2    Artes visuales    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    Fave Me! (1 photo per day, fave 3)    Dibujantes desorientados    Photography Un-limited    A Minimal Requirement    *Black and White Gallery*    PHOTO NOW    Draw    Your Visions    Aw Look At That...    Design & illustration    coolpics :)    Black and White Photos    Dibujo-Dibujo    Pintura artística    Blanco y Negro - Black and White    White/Black    B&N o B&W    4000 +Views    Inspirational Portraiture    [bw]    *fotos simples/ simple photos* ( post all,comment on 1)    Art World    LA RUTA DEL ARTE    Your Most Faved Photograph (40+)    Minimalism Black and White    - - - - Dreamland - - - - -    Nice One!    "Women Portraits"    Perspective Control_PC    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    PINTURA, ESCULTURA, GRÁFICA    B&W photo    Tu mundo Blanco......Y negro.    ARTE-ART    All in 1    B&W Perspectives    So You Like to Draw?    Artfart    life drawing and painting    as simple as it gets    world in B&W    { Fav Pic }    Amadores    Creative Art Photography    Photography Lovers/ Amantes da Fotografia ( post 1 comment 2)    playing with ink    Vista: 7000    Vista: 6000    Black&Blanco    AMATEUR Girl    --SOLO ILUSTRACIONES--    Arte en blanco y negro    Fav Group    ♥ Great shot ♥    no rules Photo...........    +++ Ladies    Things You Couldn't Live Without    ♥ ♥ My Favs! ♥ ♥    Amateur coffee morning.    pintores_show    Wow! : )    fav images    This is Why I Love Photography    VeO tOdO eN bLaNcO y NeGrO    The best of black and white    *_* Artistic Emotion_TIME TO VOTE: "POINT OF VIEW"    Drawing Day - 1 million drawings in one day    All Your Photos    Arte Contemporanea    Art Party    PASION POR EL ARTE    Art from All Artists    @ the world    "Black and White Unlimited"    Around The World In A Flickr    Amazing Pics    En Noir et Blanc    what you see is what you get    10-25 Favourites    last day of magic    amics de la foto    "caras bonitas beautyfull faces"    !! Fave it Up 10-50 (P1, A+F5)    cara feminina    **Show Us Your Most Favorite Shot**    Pintura Contemporânea    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Pasión al Arte    Nuevos Fotografos    my 500 view photos    Fotografia Blanco y Negro - Photography Black and White    ---Portrait World---    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    Anything here    Painting from life.    Black Is Back!!- Black And White Photos Winners announced    Top 50 favs!    I Love Photography! (Post 1 - Comment 2)    *My ART*    Tus Retratos    nice to meet u.    Daily life -日常生活-    Unlimited Photography (Post ALL of your pics!)    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Foto dell'anima.    Anything flickr    1000 views, but no favorites when entering    Favourite Your Own Photographs    Black & White / Sepia / Selective Saturation E-cards    !!Perfect Composition!!    White and Black / Negro y Blanco    *****Conceptual Photography*****    B&W - The Art of Photography    Ethereal World    Black and White beginners group    SOLO BLANCO Y NEGRO    Flickr Lovers    B&W, B&N, N&B..    MIRADAS QUE HABLAN    Views..    Inspirational Photography    black, white, and gray photography    !!! "The Best" Shots    !! Fave it Up 60-120 (P1, A+F5)    -Portraiture Photography    Arte Aqui    My Favourite Things    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    Magnificent BW (Black and White)    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    yes ...... i can draw    drawing, woman    Pics with 2000 Views    Pics with 2400 Views    Pics with 2500 Views    Drawn-On Photographs    Arts- Artes    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    PHOTOSHOP hobby    **♥FAVORITOS DO FLICKR♥**    ART NOW ART NOW ART    Soledad en Blanco & Negro    imagenes en blanco y negro    Painting, Paintings and more Paintings    Visual concept ( Post 1 MUST comment 2)    Black and White and...    MONOCROMO// -Tópico de la semana #    Unlimited Anything    !~Life is ART~!    Favorite Favorites    Anything for Everyone    Favorite and or best images showcase    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    "Mágia"    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    Detalhes que encantam    ARTES PLÁSTICAS SEM FRONTEIRAS    different visions    ! Flickr Lover !    MI PUNTO DE VISTA | ¿Quieres moderar este grupo?    all cool pictures    artes plásticas    A look into the essence    NO color    Anything really...    Amazing+Photography    Inspire Me - Photography Group    My Draw    Illustration Begginers    Europe on Flickr    Equal Colours [B&W]    Art Team    Ink For Days    Dibujando    "Flickr Women .......Flickr Mujeres.......Flickr Femmes..."    Your Favorite...    Everyday Magic    Painting for Painting    Puntillismo (pointillism)    BLACK & WHITE=BLANCO Y NEGRO    Everything and anything    Amantes Del Dibujo    Black and white Drawings    Love Black and white art    anything everything    ! The Flickr !    as beautiful as you want    Arte y Revolución    blanco y negro, urbanas, paisaje, macro, madrid, amigos, ciudad,    Amantes de la pintura    View Camera    Bocetos, Dibujos y Demas    amateurs unlimited    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    *poetry of images    blanco y negro - fototodo    Portraits with an Edge    Your Favorite Shots    MUNDO ACROMÁTICO    - Photo of the Day -    anything may go    Amateur Photographers of all Ages    No hay color    * Flickr Beautiful Celebration of Diversity    * All Ur Photos *    *That's MY Photo ! *    Painting!    anything goes club    ¡Arte Fotográfico!    Au Royaume des Ombres    B&W FLICKR - P&B FLICKR    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Flickr Free    ++ ENERGIA POSITIVA ++ (CLOSED)    Painters and draughtsmen    LA MIA IMMAGINE E LA SUA POESIA    every day things    Capture Your World    VISTAS VIEWS    Pinturas de jovenes    Favourites of Everything    Favorites (yours and mine)**post 4/ fave 2**    drawing alive    Classic Black & White    ART OF LIGHT - ARTE DA LUZ    Best Photos Around the World    LO QUE SE TE OCURRA EN BLANCO Y NEGRO    Enfoca en Flickr    ALL PHOTOS! (no nudity though)    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    Anything!!!!!    "Blanco&Negro"    Portraits....!    No Rules! No limits! Just pictures!    Un dibujo diario    Bianco/Nero    WELCOME ALL MY FRIENDS !!!    brilliant magic    Black and White Photography Art    Black & White Done Right !.    ilustracion y dibujos a mano    Emotional Things    "NO RULES" Group...All kind of Great Shots are invited...    artland    A World WithOut Color    Amigos de España    The Drawing Portrait Artist    Soulful Black & White    "POEMA IN BIANCO E NERO" ♡ (Only Black and White) ♡    *****Anything Goes by theme...! (Excellent Images only)    DRAWING<3    Amateur Hour (beginers photography group)    a day in the life of an artist....    Detrás del objetivo    Drawing Amazing!!!    Night & Morning    FLICKERIANS    * Open *    Nice shoot!!!    Your Fav Shots    No Rules (This group is safe for everyone)    "Yo fotografio siempre con los ojos" (P-1/C-2)    ARTE EN NUESTRAS CALLES    Have a Nice Day!!!    Amics de la Càmera.    Descolorir    Amateur Photographers Online    ART BY FOTO    IMAGEN Y PALABRA    The Best of ArT [P1/P2]    Views around you    No sin mi cámara // Not without my camera    B&W great shots... but please... no portraits    ♡ FAV your photos Group ♡    Creative Photography Inspirations    ♥ PLANET FLICKR! ♥ WHERE WE LIVE! ♥ POST EVERYDAY ♥    art no photo    draw more    ≈ monochrome ≈    My Fav photo    Primeros planos: Sólo retratos.    Diario fotografico    Diary of a photographer [P1-C2]    *anything goes*    B&W FLICKR    "BLANCO & NEGRO ESPAÑA"    2600 views (-2700)    * Explore, More than 7000 views    Imagen Poética    * Explore, More than 4000 views    * Explore, More than 5000 views    * Explore, More than 6000 views    Being There    Favorite of the Day    Awesome Photos.    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    a mi me gusta el B&W.    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    7000    AMANTES DEL ARTE - Sube 1 comenta 2    some things are better than others!!!    Favourite Things    Drawing and Illustration Worldwide    Love for Photography ♥ Amor pela Fotografia ♥ P1/A2    Black and white / Noir et Blanc    Nuestras fotos EXPLORE    Fine Wall Art Murals    Portraits and Faces    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    ·Flickr·    Fav's portrait    1400 Views    ♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥ COMPOSITION ♥    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Amadores no mundo da fotografia    ! * EN BLANCO Y NEGRO-BLACK AND WHITE !! P1 / AWARD 5 !!    Artistic Perspectives    Simply Photos!    .(^_^).    Peace and |ove [P1-C2]    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Young fotographers    no colors    3000-3500 Views    5000-10000 Views    1000-1500 Views    Portraits (Individuality, Imagination, Originality)    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    El Arte de pintar    my life is a picture...    ►the best pictures◄    Nice Timing    ►the best photos◄    Anything is beautiful    Flickr Amateurs    4000-4500 Views    Minimalist Photography 101    Your Favorite Shot    Nice Art    art vitamins    Always with my camera!    Art,Photography and illustration    all people are beautifull    Bianco & Nero    BW (black and white) photograph    4000 Views    Monokrom    A New Form Of Beauty    Amateur Exclusive    [][][]I'll show you pictures of my friends[][][]    Art Experiment    Best Shot of the Day (1 post - 3 awards to give)    Draw portraits    Poetry for sight    Jo ho vaig veure així    "Creative Photographer"    2000-2500 Views    White-->Gray-->Black    Illustration Spain    BLACK|WHITE    what you see when your eyes are closed    Imagine Art    !MY PHOTOGRAFIC WORLD!    **WONDERFUL PICTURE** // Level 2 ................ (P1 // A5)    !* A hug is worth a thousand words* NO Nudity & NO Sales!    Flickr meet group photos    a place to dream ♥    Arte hasta que te hartes.    [][][]A world of photography[][][]    ART, OR NOT ART?    Fave Fave Fave    B/W Club    Love & Love    Photography in B&W    Drawing!    Photography through the lens    The images talking in Black&White    Flickr [Photo]graphy Lovers ♥    ` FLICKR ´    Arte Fotografico    Detail Shots of Life    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    B&W - P&B    *Lens&camera*    *Infinite Images    |Beautiful things|    B&W (ALL)    (un)usual    A Photographers View    Portraits with 1000+ views (Human or Animal)    Black 'n White    ♦Todos los fotógrafos del MUNDO P1 A2 SWEEPER ON    Ilustration    Digital Camera World    Universal Art    Ilustrations    Favorites of Flickr    flickr (unofficial)    a place for amateurs    No Rules & No Limit!    ***♥♥♥What I love "The Photography"** P1 A2 Sweeper On    Creative idea    anything you love!;)    Ladrón De Momentos    Flickr center    B&W is the way forward    B&W Life    SHOOT WITH PASSION    Black & White One On One    Dibujos e ilustraciones    The World of Art & Nature    ''''★'''' Photography & Photoshop''''★''''    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    SPAIN / ESPAÑA / SPANIEN    4000 views and more    instaflickr    dream    *Capture It!*    P&B/B&W ou/or SÉPIA - NO NUDE    CETUSart    Black & White Pictures that Tell a Story    Beauty is Beauty    Portrait_People_You    Arte creativo alternativo    I love Flickr ♥    An image to get a dream......    World Photographers' Photos WPP    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Photography Projects    When art speaks to you...ovvero...Quando l'arte ti parla...    pictures in GREY    views and favorites    Photography is Life!!    Amaze me please    pic now    Painted Portraiture    ANYTHING GOOD    Blanco y Negro,Black and white    ALL- NO LIMITS    Favorites...    Spain Photography    black and white photography!    Arte & Fotografía    -- ❤️Love for life.. Only flowers an animals!    Spain | España    * Ojos, Miradas y Sonrisas * Eyes, Looks and Smiles *    enjoy the life every day with a picture    1,000 Views Unlimited 1000    2,000 Views Unlimited 2000    .BLACK / WHITE.    4,000 Views Unlimited 4000    3,000 Views Unlimited 3000    /r/photography    7,000 Views Unlimited 7000    6,000 Views Unlimited 6000    800 Views Unlimited    600 Views Unlimited    Fotografia&Arte    around the world, around of my camera(Post 1, Comment 2 AND Fave    All of Flickr!:)♥    **AMAZING shot** (Quality image only!)    Art of Monochrome    FOTO-GRAFICA-MENTE    Just Awesome Pictures    Lovely collection    Black white and grey    Shot! We love photography!    Blanco, negro y grises    Your best of the best    B&N Blanco y negro    Creative View    Life Around The World    Everything Creative    Anything eyes    The Best ...    integrity illussion    All Our Favourite Photos    Everyday Views    Art_Minimalism    Beautiful and Creative Photography    People in Black and White - narrow DOF    anything you wish...    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Unique Moments    Amateur Photographer Magazine    Lo mejor del Blanco y Negro    4000    Belleza en B&N !!!    シ ◆◇ BLACK+WHITE World ☻☺ CRNO-BIJELI svijet △▼    1,2,3 PHOTOS    La passion de la photographie    Your Best Images!    Portraits / Retratos    ₪ ISSUE_ᴄᴀᴍᴘᴀıԍɴ_CAUSE_ᴀᴡᴀʀᴇɴᴇss ₪    30 Favorites *    -- ❤ Hello! --    Photos By You    !ANYTHING YOU WANT    !*Flickr All Stars*!    ""Lens on the World - Obiettivo sul mondo"""    Estilo blanco y negro    nice click    A New Way of Seeing Things    Artistic and Creative    Your Perspective and Creative    Black and White 🔲    post any photo [No SL or AI]    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    Flickr Explore It    juandiazhidalgo    Art, Art, Art.    FAVORITES FROM 0 TO ∞ WORLDWIDE INCLUDING    Art of Exploration    Blanco + Negro / Monocromatico    B&W: Art & Creativity (no 30/60 Limit)    First Photographers    EXPLORE OF THE WORK    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Specialistz™    -- IMMAGINI DAL MONDO --    ₪ LOVE ❥ is ALL we ❥ NEED ₪ [Award 2]    flickr 4 all    Eye, Heart & Souls Worldwide    -- PhotoMix --    Beautiful in Black and White    ≼◈≽ B&W ... Senza equivoci ≼◈≽    No rules, just pics!    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    5.000 / 5000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    .FLICKR WORLD.    6000+ Views - No 30/60    !@ Life & Pic    Flickr Black and White - No Limit!    3.000 / 3000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    fav 45    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    AMOR PELA FOTOGRAFIA    Your Favorite Posts    7000+ Views - No 30/60    50+ Favorites    Fav my photo!    6500 views - no 30/60 - no SL    FAVORITOS DESDE 1 HASTA 4000    « less
Stats: 9,925 views / 22 comments