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The Jacksonville Fire Rescue Department
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2ndalarm 2ndalarmfire 3rdalarm 3rdalarmfire animalrescue apartment apartmentfire atlanticbeach automobileaccident bigfire blacksmoke bomberos bottomfeeder bottomfeeders bottomofthetotempole burner burning caraccident carcrash charityevent charityhockey chief chiefs collapse command defensivefire demolition districtchief dogrescue duval duvalcounty ehrenamy emergency ems emt eoc extrication face faces facesoffire facesoffiredepartment facesoffirefighters facesofjfrd fallenfirefighters fallenfirefightersmemorial fdny female femalefirefighter fire firedepartment firedept firefamily firefighters firefighting fireground firehouse firejobs fireman firerescue fireservice firetruck firewoman fitnes florida friendlycompetition fullyinvolved garage gas green guns gunsnhoses hazmat hazmatteam hazmatteamgas heavyfire hiddenfire hockeygame hoses housefire hurricane icehockey incidentcommand industrialaccident interstateaccident jacksonville jacksonvillefirerescuedepartment jaguars jaxondeville jfrd ladder laddertruck ladderwork leader leadership leak livinginamansworld medic multialarm multialarmfire mva neptunebeach news night nightfire offtheroad onepulledout onetrapped operations orangepark overhaul paramedic pikepole policevsfire press probation probationaryfirefighter probie red rescue retten rollover rookie rookiefirefighter ropes savetheanimals smoke specialoperations specialops squad steam structurefire teamwork technicalrescue thejfrd thinredline training trapped trash truckaccident ultimatesacrifice unit unitedstates unitedstatesofamerica vehiclerollover vs vystar vystarveteransmemorialarena womeninfirefighting workingfire 2019