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Shannon Rose O'Shea
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Snowy Egret

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Taken on: December 18, 2024
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No rules here!    Nature Scenes    Flickr_Main    Florida, USA    Unlimited Birds    Anything Goes No Limits    Flickr clickr    Your mind, your photos    LIFE! ❤ Nature*Moments*Emotion*FUN    A Place to find Peace    THE PEOPLE'S CAFE    The Flikr Group    Anything at all    worldwidewandering - a travel atlas    Canon Camera    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    ! * Animals and Birds of all Sizes    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Beautiful Capture    Wings Of The World    In Celebration of Women Photographers    Get noticed    Women who ♥ Photography    Canon Camera Users - pictures with EXIF    Photography Un-limited    PHOTO NOW    Photographers World    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    Photography Club    " NATURE _ Limited " ▬►Flora & Fauna◄▬ Landscape    WILD ANIMALS Make Me HAPPY ❤ Animals in the wild*SAVE the    Unlimited!    !!FlickrGreen ~ Everyday is Earth Day!!    I am flickr! - No 30/60 Limit    The Bistro (Founded 2008)    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    FLICKR PRO USERS ONLY    GR8 - Photos    Birds - Sea, Shore, Water and Wader    Eastern USA Photobugs    GO OUTSIDE: Scenic, Wildlife, Nature, Travel, People, Fashion a    Oradaydım - I was there - [No rules - just photos]    "Croque NATURE"    Nicely Composed    The Birds Of Flickr    Pioneer Woman Photography Assignments    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Birdshare    Travel and Escapades    Beauty of Life    National Geographic | World Wide    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    Strictly GeoTagged (no 30/60 limit)    It's the Composition, Flickr    Turismo por todo el mundo    Birds and Beasts    Anything really...    Gatorland Bird Rookery, Orlando, Florida    ♦♦♦ BELLE INQUADRATURE ♦♦♦    BirdWatching Magazine    The Daily Post    outside photography    New MaXimum (No 30/60 Groups Limit)    Abecedario de fotografìas: Un silencio interior    *That's MY Photo ! *    The NEW Flickr. "BEST" picts.!!    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Juego solidario★NO GROUP LIMIT    ** NATURE'S Photos **    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    No Rules! No limits! Just pictures!    Natur----exklusiv----nature #1    Theatre Of Life    ♦♦♦ TAGLIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    World of Birds    Composer's Breath    ♦♦♦ TUTTI GLI SCATTI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Nature is Beautiful..    EOS magazine Flickr group    We Are Free / Somos libres    close to nature group    FLICKERIANS    Amics de la Càmera.    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    NATURE'S WORLD CREATIONS - NATURE ONLY    School of Digital Photography    Camera Camaraderie    NATURAL BEAUTY PHOTOS    ᗪiscovery .ᗯorld    [][][]Not only Facebook[][][]    [][][] let's work together for a better world[][][]    [][][]Uno scatto al giorno.....H.C.BRESSON[][][]    [][][]hung the moon[][][]    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    [][][] Online Photographers [][][]    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    [][][]La Mascotte **Gallery**[][][]    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Best Bird Photographers    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Planet Earth!    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    Henry's Photo Club    Union of Free Photographers    Great Images    BE FREE Photographer's Network    *Animal Photography Group* (NO CAGES/ENCLOSURES)    [][][]I'll show you pictures of my friends[][][]    Photograph is Memory    Dogs, Puppies, Cats, Birds, Fish, Insects and Frogs.    Flickr OBSESSION'    ♥ ♥ ♥ IMMAGINI - FOTO - SENTIMENTI ♥ ♥ ♥    a place to dream ♥    Worldwide Flickr Friends    Any kind of wildlife/nature    World of Wildlife    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    " BIRDS OF PLANET EARTH (NO B&W, BIRDS ONLY)    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    Quantum Entanglement    UNFORGETTABLE IMAGES. ( OPTED OUT OF 30/60 RULE )    Birding World    Your Best Shot For Today    A Photographers View    AVES DEL MUNDO -- BIRDS OF THE WORLD -- OISEAUX DU MONDE    Digital Camera World    Memories are photographs that records the heart    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    ***FLORA *FAUNA *from around the world***    Birding With A Canon    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    Extraordinary Photography ~ (No People Shots)    Photography Week    EOS Experience    I Will Photograph Anything...Will You ?    THE WORLD OF BIRDS    A to Z photography    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    Osserva Pensa Scatta.... Ti sei Divertito    Bitterns, Egrets, Cranes and Herons    Animal Portraits/ Tierportraits - No 30/60    Nature of Wildlife    Photographers aged 50 +    I love Flickr ♥    [][][] MAESTRI della luce e del colore [][][]    Photography is Life!!    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    CREATURES IN THEIR HABITATS    UNITED WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY - No 30/60 Group Limit    100 Views Unlimited    A Personal Viewpoint    Ho l'hobby della foto    Birds with 50+ Faves or Comments    I Just Love To Take Photographs...Do You    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    All of Flickr!:)♥    Best Birds Worldwide    CANON DSLR EXPERIENCE - (TR) -    Flickr No1 Pics    TOURISM magazine    Your best of the best    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    ♣Mother Nature!!    Animals (all)    Just show off !!!    PHOTO WORLD!    Photographers Gallery 5    I Was Alive Today    Stunning travel photos from around the World    Nature and all that is beautiful    シ ▇▇ horizontal photographs ▇▇ 橫向照片 ▇▇    Free Expression Photography    Flickr Social    The World of Birds    Great Nature Shots    -- ❤ Hello! --    Vita es Splendor and friends    Jede Jahreszeit hat ihren Reiz.... Each season has its charm    Nature and Animals (Wild Only)    YOUPIC ON FLICKR    All pictures on the Terra (No 30/60 limit)    Nature & Geology of Florida    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    Canon 100-400 IS II    Flickr Explore It    #1 Various images from around the world    Flickr: The best of the best    Explore Flickr (unofficial)    flickr world wide    -- IMMAGINI DAL MONDO --    Fotoholics Galleries    flickr 4 all    OK Theme    Flickr Photos good enough to print    OK Gallery    Amazing Birds    Photographic World    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    Wunderwelt Natur No 30/60 limit    All pictures Nature surrounding (No 30/60 limit)    Momentos para no olvidar    Fotoviajeros    60+ photographers    iClick!    Fée NATURE    The Ultimate Photographer    Birders!    NATURAL BEAUTY (NO Humans)    Compelling Images    Canon Excellence    mundo global de fotografias    Top Ten Relevant / Las Diez Más Relevantes    (W.A.S.P) Wildlife Appreciation Society of Photography    The Camera Club [El Club De La Cámara]    Beloved Birds    FlickrZone    FAVORITES CLUB - no 30/60 - no SL    Birds flowers wild animals and insects (no group limit)    THE PHOTO OF ALL DAYS. LA FOTO DE TODOS LOS DIAS.    eARTh - awesome on earth fascinating in art (out of 60/30)    Nature of the World (No Limit)    70 faves or more - no 30/60 - no SL - no people    All pictures on the world (No 30/60 limit)    *Birds Photography*    The World Through Our Eyes!    ₪ EARTH ♻ ENVIRONMENT ♻ ECOLOGY ₪ pls Comment≡Ꝛ svp    Birdwatching in the World    -- Photo passion --    Juste du talent    Birdz    Flickr Worldwide.    At that very moment    !*Only Your Best*!    No Limits Group, opted out 30/60    Animalia.    ♥ ♫ ☼ THE PHOTO IN ALL ITS FORMS ☼ ♫ ♥ (No limit 30/    Digital Photography Safe (Opted out 30/60 Limit)    Feathers Galore    All Animal Picture Show    * P E R I F E R I A - P H O T O *    Worldwide Birds (opted out 30/60).    MASTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY    Viajes No 30/60 Groups Limit    !*All Around The World*!    Mira al Pajarito, nature photography    All great photos - No 30/60    L'obiettivo , occhio dell'anima    Without Goal and Meaning (No Limit)    There`s no limit: Whitout 30/60!    ! * Click Click Bang Bang!    ! Your Flickr Photos !    Free our Flickr - No 30/60    NO Second Life (opted out 30/60)    Say Hello to My Little Camera    Florida Nature & Wildlife    ***Water,Earth,Air,Fire : Life Essence*** #Opтed oυт 30/60    FlickrCentral2    LOOK ! *** the Home of great Photos (no 30/60 Limit) no limits    Il libro delle stagioni [solo foto di natura/ pic of nature only    ηαтυяє    Animal - Pictures (No 30/60 limit)    Birdier    flick®    Creatures Galore    PLANET ANIMAL (animal planet)    All Types of Water Birds    Exploré    Photo Artistry    70 years + (Photographers aged 70 and better)    Nature Aesthetics - Natur Ästhetik - esthétique de la nature    Beautiful Day or Night No 30/60 - No SL    NATURAL Life And Landscapes...PLEASE KEEP FOCUS ON NATURE    Flickr Photo Unlimited (No People)    ㋡ SMICKR = SmugMug + Flickr ㋡    Voleur de Coeurs    No limit - No 30/60    Slice of Southern Life    flickr: Inspiring captures and art. 2019    Flickr Animals Photographers    Dreams can come true    No 30/60 Flickr - no SL    flickr 30/60 limit sucks    FREE AS A BIRD (BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY)    *ღღ* La magia del fotógrafo *ღღ*    Canon - no limit    Flickr Photo Album Unlimited & Instant Posting    Photo Feelings    Flickrology    Photography at its best ... all welcome    Photography (No 30/60 limit)    Nature and Its Inhabitants are Beautiful    Photo-Phactory    Gallery II    Not Any Old Photo    Canon 90D State of the Art APS-C    Revista de Fotos - Photo Magazine (NO 30/60)    Yes a Canon Can    eBird    THERE IS NO LIMIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC CREATION    wildlife and the wild    PHOTOGRAPHY Worldwide    NO 30/60 Family safe only    Canon EOS 90D Bird Photography    THE MAIN ARCHIVE.    DARNDEST THINGS    ㋡ 2020 ⦾_⦾ VISION ͡͡◔͡͡◔ ꕫ⧸ꕫ 👀    Flickr Addicts Two    LES PHOTOS QU'ON AIME (Commentez SVP)    Nice Places to Visit - No 30/60 Limit - Photos & Videos Welcome.    Geotagging the World    Paint a Picture    Pon color a tu vida (no blanco y negro)    General photographs    Worlds most beautiful nature! (searching moderators!)    Mes Amis Photographes    SnaPix & Chill    Photography Around The World (NO LIMIT UPLOADS)    *** Nikon,Canon,Sony,Fuji,Leica,Pentax,Iphone,Huawei,Samsung ...    *** Nature, Animal, Landscape ***    Travel Sights    100 faves minimum - no 30/60 - no SL    Flickr Wonders    2g2g    MY FAVORITE AMAZING SHOTS    Birds of the USA and Canada    Follow me my friends (public)    Photos Animaux de tous genres    FlickrCentral New    Show your EXIF    Birds - No 30/60    PHOTOS FOR CURE, MEDITATION AND DISCOVER THE GIFTS WE HAVE AND D    BirdWorld    ANIMAL FAUNA AND INSECTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.FAUNA ANIMAL E    Flickr Master Gallery    All Your Photos and Mine (No 30/60 limit - Photos from anywhere)    Coloured (Colored) Flickr    Flickr Panoply    Feathered Flickr (Birds of a Feather)    * no limits, just quality photography!    All Wonderful Photos (COMMENT OR LIKE OTHERS PHOTOS PLEASE)    All Natural Nature (No 30/60 Limit)    "Flickr Foto Share"    In The Frame (No 30/60 Limit)    The world of animals    IMAGES OF THE LUCIFERINE GROUP OF MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS ON PLA    1 photo of your trip    SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS Photos    - Restless Mind -    ! ΙΙ TOURISM magazine !    Fans of Flickr    Our Life IS Photos    In Focus on Flickr    Simply Photos    Capturing Colors    Daily Picture Post    Pure real and virtual works of art    BIRDS IN URBAN SPACES    -- Only Birds!    Free from Flickr 30/60    Immagini : stimolo, sogno, illuminazione    All type of animals, cats, dogs, horses, cows, sheep, lions, tig    Flickr Wildlife    YourShot    Canon EOS 90D Nature Photography    Worldwide Photography Group    **This group has mood    Watch the birdie    Marshbirds & Allies of the World - Rails, Bitterns, & More Birds    Awesome pictures and art in general no limits!    FFC (Foto Friendship Club)    « less
Camera: Canon EOS 90D, f/7.1, 1/500 sec, 248mm, ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon EOS 90D
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure Time: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Focal Length: 248mm
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Program AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
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