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Taken on: January 5, 2017
Sets appears in:   CATCHY COLOURS    CLOUDS AND SKY    more » COASTS + SEASCAPES    Polynesia    REFLECTIONS    SILHOUETTE    SUNrise SUNset    WATER     WATERSCAPES    50+ FAVES    99+ FAVES    « less
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Colors of the World    more » Nikon Digital    Sky    Photography    Nikon    silhouette    Water    Photography Critiques    Seascapes and Seashores    Landschaft/Landscape    Creative types    Artistic Photography    Beautiful Light    !Catchy Colors    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    REFLECTIONS / DISTORTIONS    Beautiful Scenery & Landscapes    Night Lights    The Light Fantastic    sky & clouds    SUNSET    Water... Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Beautiful is Boring    Amateurs    Creative    top-f [ 25+ faves ]    iFlickr    After Dark - Night Photography    clouds    Marine (3 per day)    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Travel Photography    Nikkor    Landscape Photos    PHOTOGRAPHERS OF CANADA    Nikon World    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    Cinematic Moments.    Creative Photography    Imagination    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Lonely Planet    Night Panorama (read the guidelines)    - I LOVE NATURE -    SUNSET&RISEPIX    Sunrise, Sunset    Artistic Shot    Sea & Ocean ( invite your contacts )    Cloud Pictures    I love FOTOGRAFIA    Photography Corner    Cloudoholics (limit 1)    Landscape photography    Nature Art Gallery    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    Amateur Photography    Painterly (not AI)    Nikon Digital SLRs    Sunrise and Sunset Panoramas    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    d r e a m s c a p e s    the skies above    Nature Photography    Nice pictures    99+ Favs    I LOVE THE OCEAN!    Polynesia    Polynesian Perspective    Sunsets over the City    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    COLOR [directory] 色    Long Exposures    Nikon DSLR Users    Now That's Sky    Favorites: 100    Traveller's World    Cinematic Photography    Nikonians    Night Shot    Awesome Nature    Natural Scenery    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    CLICK the CAMERA    Nature Heals the Soul    Sunsets & Sunrises    Coastlines of the World    Scenic Outdoors    !nto the atmosphere    50 faves (No SL/computer generated images please).    Water (and things)    Water Reflection    TRAVEL Photography!    Amatuer Photography    Sunrise and Sunset    *Karma*    Scenery Photography    Neutral Density Filters    Sunset, Sunrise, all about our Sun!    Our Sky    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    Beauty of Water    Water, water, water    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    All Day I Dream About Photography    50 Favorites and counting!!    100+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    Night pictures    Sunsets Geotagged    Lonely Planet Publications: Photobook    Glorious Sunrises Sunsets.    The Magic of Colour    1000 views + 4 faves landscape/landmarks (no people,no animals)    Landscape Junkies    Digital Photography Manipulation    Beautiful Earth    Nikon Full Frame Cameras.    Beautiful Capture    sunsets ♥ of our heart (Comment on 2)    Water!    Get noticed    *Nature* (comment 2)    Flickr Elite Group    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    Landscapes!!!    So simple, so beautiful!    Photographers Club    Your Best Photography    Scapes    WATER WOW    Best Sunrise and Sunset    Clouds, Storms, Sunsets & Sunrises    water reflections!!!    NikonCLUB .it - Gruppo Ufficiale    Nikon Digital Learning Center    Water, Water Everywhere    PHOTO NOW    Temporarely closed    Creative Photo Group_ BASIC (P1-C3)    Nature...Anything Goes    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    NATURE'S BEST    Water Photography    " Art of the Light " ☆☆☆☆☆    Art of Nature    1-2-3 Nikon    Landscapes of the World    Creative & Superb photos    Scenics, not just landscapes!    Night and light    Night and darkness    Nikon Passion    BEST SUNSET AND SUN RISE GROUP    LANDSCAPES DREAMS -Please comment on two (2)!!!    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    *** Total Photo *** (Post1/Comment3)    Popular Photography Magazine    The Best Picture Gallery!    Nature et Paysages    **Simply Superb (P 1- A 2)**    TWiP    The best moment.    *Nature Pics*    Official National Geographic Group    Panoramas - Panoramiques    GR8 - Photos    Aguamaniacos-Watermaniacs! (Post 1, comment 5)    BEST Landscapes    Flickr Number One !!    Art Meets Photography    Fine Art Photography™    night on earth...    Sky pictures    "IQ" - Image Quality    This is Excellent    The world through photography    Travel Planet    Sunrise Sunset Around the world    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Sunsets in the world    The Water of the World    NatureLovers    * Cloud Addicts Anonymous * (lets start voting for icon)    Photography Bay    _The Best Of Nikon_    Sunrise and Sunset’s Today    Reflections in water    !!Perfect Composition!!    *****Conceptual Photography*****    Stupendous Sunrises and Spectacular Sunsets    National Geographic | World Wide    Sunsets, Landscapes and Flowers.    Landscape Beauty !    Loving All Things Photography    Water Water Everywhere, but Not a Drop to Drink.    landscape around the world    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    reflections, spiegelungen    !* WATER ENVIRONS ☼ NO PEOPLE ☼ High Quality Only! P1/A2    Sunrise/Sunset Photography    NIGHT PHOTOS.    Landscape Photographs - P 1 A 1    ***Flickr Global    The Light Painters Society    Landscapes with Atmosphere    SEASCAPE OF THE WORLD    Cloud Worship    Water Water Water    Earth - Home    National Geographic Group    Water images    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    Natur----exklusiv----nature #1    Night time Photographer    !A Lot of Water {Post 1 - Award at least 2}!    Excellent Shots Group - P1 & A3    Art-Pix    Water, water, water,water    Seascape Photography    FLICKERIANS    ***ART 2025 GROUP***ART FROM 2025 ONLY!    ART BY FOTO    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    ~♥~ MY CREATIVE HEART ~♥~ BEATS ON FLICKR ~♥~    Flickr's Best Sunsets    Nikon Europe Group    Panoramatic    "Only Good Photographs - PLEASE P1A2"    ! * Fantastic Nature Group *Moderated* » Post 1 and Award 1 «    ♥ PLANET FLICKR! ♥ WHERE WE LIVE! ♥ POST EVERYDAY ♥    Night Photoscapes    ♥ SKYLINES ♥ CITYSCAPE ♥ LANDSCAPE ♥ BEACHSCAPE ♥    International Amateurs Photos (Invite Only)    [][][]Not only Facebook[][][]    [][][] let's work together for a better world[][][]    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    [][][]Nature.. Light and Color[][][]    PLANET EARTH IN SILHOUETTES    Clouds of the World    'Night Lights'    Eyes Of Nikon    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    Planet Earth Reflections (P1,A+F 1 OR MORE)    Nikon D800-D850 and Nikon Z7-Z9 Users Group    Lights in the Darkness - The best Night Shots    Fine Gold    Landscapes of Seas and Mountains    The Masters of Photography    BE FREE Photographer's Network    Night Photography Group    Le COOL    Best Shot of the Day (1 post - 3 awards to give)    STUNNING LANDSCAPE & SEASCAPE ( Ultraselected )    Flickr OBSESSION'    The Free Photographers (P2 C2)    Seascape/Landscape Junkies Worldwide    !MY PHOTOGRAFIC WORLD!    Long exposure photography.    Your Preferred Picture **WELCOME! **    Seascape Central    !Excellent Photos    Sunset Seascapes    Great Landscape Photography    Art For Fun ~P1/ A1 ~    **THE BEST WATERSCAPES & LANDSCAPES!!!** Administration Approval    Seascape Photographers    THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART- GROUP (POST 1 / COMMENT AWARD - OSCAR 3)    Flickr Photographer    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    Art Without End ... [P1/C3]    Sunset of the Day!    Flickr Hall of Fame    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    The Magic of Photography    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    flickr clickx    Nikon Camera Club    Landscapes Only. (Post 1 / Comment on 3)    Water Reflections    Perfect Beauty II    Galerie FURORE !    Dark Matters    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    Landscapes Only    Amazing scenery    Photographers from around the world    99+ Favs (The 99ers Group - The best pics going!!)    **AMAZING shot** (Quality image only!)    Flickr No1 Pics    ***** World of Sunrises, Sunsets *****    TOURISM magazine    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    ♣Scapes!!    L'eau - Water    Art Museion    Magic of Photography    Beautiful Sunrises and Sunsets    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    Seascape & Long Exposure    "THE PHOTO ♥ ART GALLERY" (post 1 ~ comment 1)    Landscape/Seascape images of the World    your most beautiful pictures    + 99 Faves    Hobby Landscape Photography    This is Why I Bought A Camera    quelli della cattura    Gallery One    -- Water is life..    Best amateur shot    !*Flickr All Stars*!    Landscape Fanatics    Pictures of the World.    Your Perspective and Creative    GLOW !!    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    Nikon is my passion    My Favourite photo - la mia foto preferita    All beautiful photos are welcome!    #1 Various images from around the world    Colours of Flickr    Explore Flickr (unofficial)    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    First Photographers    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    -- Spectacular Photography --    !Great Photographers! No AI please!    Puddles with a Reflection    PICTURES OF ALL KINDS    iClick!    Cinematic Reality    In Beautiful Light    NATURAL BEAUTY (NO Humans)    50+ Favorites    Piece De Resistance-Opted Out!    Water, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls, clouds    The Traveler's Bucket List    GALERIE night stars ★✩★✩★    ;-)) al Amanecer y al Atardecer ★ Sunset-Sunrise IIPARTE    99+ Faves Photo Group    Your Best Shot/s    groupe closed    PORFOLIO LOOK ! Quality Pictures Only!    GALERIE best of the best ★✩★✩★    "STUNNING PHOTOs & ART INTERNATIONAL" (post 1~ award 2)    The Moody Photographer - Feels, Emotions and Chills    !*Only Your Best*!    Emoción en nuestras fotos    !*Natures Beauty*!    !*All Around The World*!    « less
Stats: 3,228 views / 50 comments