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Fitzsimmons Photography (FitzPhoto)
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Road Trip - Kilmarnock, Virginia

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: April 15, 2017
Sets appears in:   Panoramas    Road Trip - Northern Neck, Virginia   
Groups appears in:   Black and White    Photography    more » B&W    canon photography    Abandoned    Flickr Addicts    Candid Camera (person not posing)    Road Trip USA    Landscape Photos    Road    Landscape photography    Pictures of (Odd) Pictures    Road Tripping    PHOTO HAUNTS    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    Lonely Photographers    Virginia    Landscape Photos: Creative Commons    Abandoned Places and Things    Landscapes 101 (Unlimited)    Abandoned But Not Forgotten    Road Journal 4 Road Trippers    Only if you'll post...Odds & Ends    Landscapes : 200 Views    Abandoned, Neglected, Weathered, or Rusty    Landscapes Digital Photo    Old And Beautiful (buildings ,barns, shacks, and abandoned homes    Abandoned objects    Art of Urbex    Landscape Junkies    Landscapes!!!    Canon Camera Users - pictures with EXIF    * This Old House, Barn, Building!    I Love Abandonment! - NO people shots!    Northern Neck    ROAD TRIP Photo OPs    La città vista, la città vissuta    Abandoned Adventures    ۞ I JuSt DoNt KnOw ۞    daily collector    abandoned buildings and such    Random Shots    BEST Landscapes    Flickr Lovers / Flickr ı Sevenler **POST 1 COMMENT 5!!    The Landscapes Scenery & Sunsets Group    Landscape captures    Baked Urbex    Abandoned old buildings/settlements.    Random or odd    Abandoned Structures    Abandoned!    The Virginia Creeper Trail    Abandoned Beauties    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    Canon Camera Users Group "The CCUG's"    Anything Abandoned    My own beautiful and beloved Dystopia    Landscape Beauty !    Abandonment (Moderated)    Travels across Virginia    Abandoned United States of America    50 MILLION PHOTOS    NOVA (Northern Virginia)    Landscape Photographs - P 1 A 1    ***Flickr Global    Landscapes with Atmosphere    andys odds and ends    House Abandoned    Landscapes around the world    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    Photoshop vandalized photos    Abandoned Buildings and not only...    Virginia Backroads    Scene Team =]    some things are better than others!!!    Geotagged: Virginia    American Urbex    AbanDonEd#    The Random & the Odd    BE FREE Photographer's Network    Taking pix for fun    Impressive Landscapes    Abandoned And Not Forgotten    Abandoned in HDR    ABANDONED BEAUTY'S    Abandoned Buildings and Structures    Abandoned U.S.A.    Slow photography    Perfect Beauty II    Abandoned and Forgotten    Landscapes Only    Landscapes geotagged on Flickr's map with both titles & caption    forgotten and guarded by time    Showcase: Landscape and Monuments    Landscapes, Nature and Sunsets    Landscape Fanatics    Odds And Ends!!!    Abandoned in the World    Virginia in Black and White    Landscapes ★    MOFO Images -B&W- (More Of Flickr Originals)    Abandoned and Left Alone    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    THE PHOTO OF ALL DAYS. LA FOTO DE TODOS LOS DIAS.    Photos in Black and White (NO COLOR or SEPIA)    Magnificent Old Building    « less
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