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Cindy en Israel
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Taken on: December 2, 2024
Sets appears in:   Cats   
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Camera: Nikon D7200, f/8.0, 1/200 sec, 170mm (=255mm), ISO 100 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Nikon D7200
Lens: TAMRON 18-400mm F3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD B028N
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure Time: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Focal Length: 170mm (35mm equivalent: 255mm)
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Adobe Photoshop 24.7 (Windows)
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