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Barn owl

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Taken on: June 13, 2017
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Wild birds ........    nature and landscape photography    Nature on its best - (READ rules) Post 1 Give 3 Awards!    Nature Watching (Post 1 : Award 2)    Animals (All Kinds)    Nature and Animals (beauty through your eyes)    Nature's photo    Best Nature Shots    Nature's Babies    nature lovers in the world    Wildlife and Nature Photography    Birds on High    All Things Nature    Nature At It's Best    The Best Nature Photos From Around The World    Nature's Best    Birds of prey portraiture    The Nature Club - Nature Photography    *THE PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHER (P1/A2)    Our world of nature    The European Nature And Wildlife Group    NaturePhotographs    Birds (Picture Encyclopedia)    Natural Excellence    Nature...Anything Goes    NATURE'S BEST    Nature's Gallery, only Nature, no people, no transports P1/A2    Your best photo on Flickr    Nature Unlimited    Beautiful Mother Nature    Birds as Art    Wildlifeshot    Secret Life of Birds    Nature - Wildlife    Beautiful Birds    Art of Nature    besT oF natuRe    Birds (no rules)    The World of Nature    Canon and Sigma    Nature's Image Photography Workshops    Nature Photographers    Wildlife Of Great Britain and Ireland.    BIRDS ARE BEAUTIFUL.    NATURE ♥ unlimited ♥ (Public Group Forever)    Birds and Wildlife UK    ~*Nature Pics That *WoW* Us*~    Nature's Call.    Mother Natures Gifts!    Nature Photos! (Invite 1 Photo using Code!!!)    nature's composition    flickrNature    * Birds of Britain *    * Wild Birds *    Bird Watchers    The Great Outdoors(Nature)    Nature, naturally (Now with no posting limit)    birds from all over the world    Birds of all sorts.    Birds of all sorts - Calendar competition.    Birds of the World - Aves do Mundo    North East England Photographers Group    Mother Nature Collection    ~Beauty of Nature~    *WONDERFUL NATURE* [ Post 01, Award 03 ] ( Not People)    Birds Photos - Check out the new discussions!    Birds of Prey (incl owls and pelicans) - Uncensored    Birds.    All birds all the time    Mother Nature's Beautiful World    Nature/Animal lovers    *Nature Pics*    Official National Geographic Group    ONLY ANIMALS (POST1,COMMENT1)    Nature I Loved....    NATURE AND PEOPLE    BEST OF BRITISH NATURE POST1 COMMENT 2    Incredible Nature    Nature World (Post 1 : Comment 2)    Birding In The Wild    ** Nature Photography From Around the World! **    Animals From A to Z (Post 1, Comment 1, Invite 1)    Nature's Pot-of-Gold    "World Nature & Wildlife Closeup" Post 1/C3    nature at its best    Around Nature POST 1 - AWARD 2    nature is something special    !WORLD OF ANIMALS! (Post 1 and Comment 1 or more)    birdz rock    Nature and Nothing Else (Post 1 - Award 3) - No Flowers!    Top 20 Birds    Nature and Lanscape    Wildlife UK    Birds UK    Nature All Around Us    NatureLovers    **Nature (Flowers, Trees, Animals. etc)    Birds & Animals Group    WONDERFUL COLORFUL NATURES (Post 1 - Fav 1 :-)    The wonderful world of birds (P1/A2).    nature pictures (pp)    Barn Owls    Wildlife,The best of!    nature is all - all is nature    Wild Life Photography For Everyone!    Wild Nature    The Birds Of Flickr    Nature Excellence !    nature shots!    Birds Birds Birds ! (Check out the new discussion)    Nature Photographers World    For the Love of Naturey Crap    Nature As Photographic Art Post 1 Award 2 Invite one New Rules    STUNNING NATURE    Wonderful World!    Birdshare    The World Around Us: "Mother Nature's Best" P1 Award2    Nature calls you all!    NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ANIMALS    It's all about Nature    NATURE'S - CREATIONS    Birds-world    British WIldlfe    Lover of nature    Natural world / Wildlife    Birds♥ Wildlife♥ & Sunsets♥    National Geographic | World Wide    COMMENT ON MY NATURE PICTURES    Natural Landscape & Wildlife Photos    Bird Watching    ~Lovely Owls!~    British Wildlife and Nature    we are birds (only bird stuff)    Nature - No Limits (new and improved)    Nature's Basket | Post 6 photos, Comment 3    Love For Nature    BIRDS UK    British Animals    birds birds birds and more birds    Nature in Europe    Nature Photography //    Nature Foto's    i-Nature Photography Workshop    CANON-NO LIMIT    nature photographys    British Birds including Migratory Visitors    Birds and Wildlife Only!!!    uk wildlife    Nature pictures for everyone!    The Nature Photographer ( Invite your Friends)    Wildlife 'n' Nature    Nature ( Through your lens )    National Wildlife Magazine Photo Group    Wild Wonders of Europe    Birds And Words! Your best BIRD photos with a great story!    Canon Photography    Lovely Nature ~A Simple Group to admire the beauty around us~    Wildlife - R - Us    Birds In Flight Photography    Nature's Blues    BBC Springwatch (Official)    Photographing Birds    Birds and more birds    Wildlife of the British Isles    Wildlife & Nature UK    British Bird Photography WILD BIRDS ONLY    NATURE IS WONDERFUL (Post 1 - Award 3) PLEASE COMMENT    Nature - Anything Outside    Amazing Nature    Wildlife & Nature Worldwide (Post 1, comment 2)    :::Nature is Beautiful:::    Close Up to Nature UK    Nature's Wonder    Nature Through My Eyes    best nature    Birds Worldwide !    birds swans and ducks    Nature in the World    NATURE @ It's Best    wildlife of britain    Nature Group:World around us!    Birding about UK.    Birds ONLY!!!    *Nature's Beautiful Photography- (P1~A1)NO PEOPLE/NO BUILDINGS    Nature At Best    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    Your Love of Nature    Nature, Nature, Nature    birds in action    Animal Wildlife ~ Flickr Photos & Videos    Nature always comes back    Nature!!    Vive la Nature !    Nature of the World Unlimited (9000+ Invite your friends!)    North East England Wildlife/Nature Photography Group    !* THE BEAUTY OF ☙THE NATURE❧ *Post 1 Award & Fave 3 please    We Love Nature!    Mother Nature (post 1 comment 5)    NATURE IS LIFE - Natura è vita - Post 1 AWARD 4**SWEEPER **    Nature Loves You (post 1 comment 5)    Simply birds    UK bird ID    Nature and Wildlife (Comment any 2 photos before you post 1)    Birds of Happiness    Nature's best photographs    Nature, Wildlife and Landscape Photography    The Best of Nature...! (Post 3 pics per day)    Nature And Its Ways    Everything About Nature    Nature :)    Nature Photographs! Submit one photo, Invite one!    ** NATURE'S Photos **    The Wonderful World Of Nature P1/C2    Best Photos Around the World    THE NATURAL WORLD OF NATURE P1/A4    NATURE RULES!!!    Canon 7D - All Models    Just Birds UK    uk nature photography    WORLD OF NATURE the best post1 AWARD 2 CLOSED    ***NATURE_LOVER***    World of Birds    Nature is Beautiful..    !* Nature of Diversity *♥* Nature, NO people! *♥* P1/A2    UK - Wildlife & Nature    Nature's Wonderful captures !!    Nature- The Best of Flickr.    nature,wildlife photographers    Natures Calling    Birds,Mammals and Nature Group    Amazing shots of Nature (no posting rules, just relax and enjoy!    The Magic of Nature(Post 1, Comment 1, invite 1)    Nature and General Animal Photography-Showcase and Discussion    Great British Wild Life    bird world    Planet: Birds    Color in Nature    ! * Fantastic Nature Group *Moderated* » Post 1 and Award 1 «    The Best Nature Shots on Flickr (post one comment two)    ONLY THE BEST OF NATURE (P1-C2) SWEEPER ACTIVE!    Wildlife Flickr    ♥ Nature Lover ♥    NATURES LOVE(POST 1 AWARD 5) No awards = BAN!    Great British Wildlife    AWESOME BIRDS ! (Award 2 Please)    Nature's Gallery (Post 1 / Award 3)    ANIMAL...    :: | Bird Photography |::    love nature love    Nature Nature Nature    All Of Nature's Wonders - New Contest    ! * NATURE'S WORLD!    Natures Finest    Beginners Nature Photos    UK And Its Nature    Nature first    Nature/Wildlife    BIRD PASSION    WILD BRITAIN.    Our wonderful wildlife (UK)    Level 1 All Nature's Paradise (All Levels Closed)    Amazing Wildlife Photography (Invitation Only)    Bird Portraits    Nature -    Nature from all over the World    Spectacular Wild Bird Photos    All Nature Photography    Beautiful nature★    MAD about BIRDS!    Birds of prey and owls    Wild & Nature Group    ♥ NATURE WORLD ♥ / POST 1 ~ AWARD 3 /♥ SWEEPER ACTIVE ♥    nature vs nuture    Animals looking at You    Amateur Wildlife and Nature    Lovely nature    WILDLIFE & NATURE ONLY ~ No Limits Just Wildlife.    *Animal Photography Group* (NO CAGES/ENCLOSURES)    Animals in Nature    * Very amazing photos of nature * (P1/A4)    All about the UK    Birds & Bees, all Flowers & Trees.    Wildlife (Animals) Unlimited    Uk Wildlife And Nature    Better Bird Photography    Bird Nerd Herd    British Wading Birds    Alans hide    Nature Beauties    Polscy Fotografowie    Great Photos Of Nature On Our Planet We Are Living    birds!    nature and more    Any kind of wildlife/nature    ` FLICKR ´    World of Wildlife    Birds & More Birds    Nature (Not Landscapes)    The nature wonders    All Wildlife Photography    Wildlife Photographs    Birding World    Nature by your side    Nature Love ♥    Nature of the British Isles    Birds of Prey in Flight especially Eagles and Hawks    Nature and Buildings    Nature and Wildlife!    Nature From A To Z, Post 1 / Award 2    Nature!!!    Nature and the living world    Original nature    Nature, Flowers and Wildlife for Under 18s    Birds Looking Upwards (to the sky)    Birds and Animals Photography    Wild Birds of Prey    Nature & Beauty    Wildlife in Britain    British Birds and other Wildlife    Nature of Wildlife    Birds from around our World    Birders Welcome    nature photos-love    NATURE COLOR EXPLOSION    Birding for everyone! (Field Guide of the World)    * Wonderful World of Wildlife *    Wildlife Sightings UK    Nature. Animals. Plants. People. Feelings.    Nature Bird Photos    Nature Birds Photos    Bird Sightings UK    Nature Photos Everywhere    NATURE...NATURE...NATURE...    ♥Fans Of Nature♥    Nature_is_Beautiful    Nature photos - overnature    Nature ~    Nature worldwide    Nature + photos: Naturellement photos    Everything Nature    Wild Birds, Animals, Insects, Flowers and Beautiful Landscapes    The Wonderful Wildlife UK    This is Nature    Birds birds everywhere    all nature ;)    Amateur Wildlife Photography UK    Nature and all that is beautiful    Amateur Photographer Magazine    Great British Nature    The Fantastic Nature    Birds of Britain and Europe    Nature, Nature, and more Nature    Nature pure ~No limit~ Flowers,Insects,Dogs,Cats,Bird,Landscape    101 Birds and more...    The World of Birds    Top Photography...    Nature And Macro Photography    Great Nature Shots    Birds Are Awesome!!!    ★ ✩The best photos of all ★ ✩(only high quality)    Nature UK Forum    Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM    Nature and Animals (Wild Only)    !Birds at home!    Owls (Wild Only)    flickr_nature    !Birds Everywhere Any Time!    Nature Time    Birds Portraits    Everything That Is Nature    Amazing Birds    The nature of the world    Momentos para no olvidar    Nature Everywhere!    Birders!    Nature photography in general    Beloved Birds    Nature photo passion    Nature of the World (No Limit)    Stunning Nature - Capture the Action    Birds of any kind    The Habitat: Nature Photography    Birds..wild birds field guide of Britain    Nature watch photography.    Birdz    Nature,Wildlife and Birds UK    Photography lesson online.    « less
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