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Taken on: January 1, 1952
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Whatever the weather    more » Colors of the World    ART DISTRICT    Art and Artists.    Photography    RUSTY and CRUSTY    日本語flick'r    Secret Life of Plants    canon photography    Abandoned    Magic Moments    Urban Decay    Lights and Shadows    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    The Light Fantastic    Photoshop with an attitude    beautiful decay.    Young Photographers    █████ ☁ Flickr Anti-Social ☁ █████    Grain is Good    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Beautiful is Boring    Amateurs    Trespassing    Industrial Decay    visit the world - the travel guide    Nobody is there    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Travel Photography    Vanishing Beauty - Please read the group description!    Architecture-Building & Construction    Moods    FORSAKEN BY SOCIETY    Urban Exploration - Exploring Abandonments    Cinematic Moments.    Creative Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Urban Spelunkers    Most Interesting    Abandoned rooms    Belo Horizonte    100 views + 10 favourites (unlimited)    Architecture and Buildings    Brutalist Architecture - béton (concrete) brut    Darkness Falls On Faerie Land    This Is Europe    This    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    industrial culture    Decay    Nice pictures    LIGHT [directory] 光    architectural photography    EOS Squad    Art - Drawing and Painting    Long Exposures    What mood are you in?    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Views: 900    Favorites: 60    Architectural details and decorative elements    Moods Of Atmospheres    *GreatPixGallery 50 Faves+    Abandoned Places and Things    Geometry in architecture    Architektur    L'Abbandono (JUST ITALY, NO PEOPLE)    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    CLICK the CAMERA    Photoshop Madness    HDR NO HOLDS BARRED    structures & elements    Romantic Images    Sad and Beautiful World    Your mind, your photos    Industrieromantik.    >INSPIRE Collective    Urbex :: Urban Exploration    Your world! Only colorful pictures!    francexploration    The Abandoned    Photography Central    Perspective Rules!    Decaying    Urban Secret & Forgotten Places    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    The Forgotten!    unlimited madness    Phantastische Welten - Phantastic Worlds    They Shoot Film, Don't They?    Fave flickr piccies    Steel Industry    europeanurbanexploration    New Topographers    derelictlight    Abandoned, Neglected, Weathered, or Rusty    Abstrakt    World Wide Photographers    300+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    LIGHT AND SHADOWS!    HDR ADDICTED    600+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    Old And Beautiful (buildings ,barns, shacks, and abandoned homes    Make It Funk!    Film is not Dead!!    Art of Urbex    all photo    Cape Town Flickr Meetup Group Group    You Think this is Art    New Topographics    Beautiful Capture    Steps 'n' Stairs **NO PEOPLE**    Decayed yet Hauntingly Beautiful    Crystal Award-- Invited Photos Only    HDR Anything    random stuff    *SHINING★STAR - Post 1- Give 5 Stars    So simple, so beautiful!    INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES & INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES OLD AND NEW.    Extraordinary Compositions    Your Best Photography    SURREALITY    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Rural Deterioration    晃晃 Everywhere walks    ► AbAnDoNmEnT / AbAnDoNo (New buddyicon!!)    Flickriver    urban decline    Existing-Light Photography    We travel the World    DIYPhotography    PhotoPlus Magazine    MOODY BLUES    Industrial Photography    Abstract collection    -Moody&Spooky- * Post 2, Comment 1 *    The best perspectives (no rules)    THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL.    decadence    Night and light    Night and darkness    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    ±100 AШΑRĐZ for the «5000+» ♥Best♥ Photogs on Flickr!!    HDR-Imaging    Deutsche Fotowelt    ◄♣♦♠♥ Together ♥♠♦♣►    The Best Picture Gallery!    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Photography Magazine, I Heart    Camera is my passport    **Através da Minha Lente.. Through My Lens** Post 1 Award 3    Lost Places    Royal Group - Have a Good Light !    Cityscape and urban scenery    ffffound!    urban explorers UK    Medium Format Flickr    Official National Geographic Group    evening photos    Flickr Number One !!    masters of light    The decayed and the abandoned    Abandoned Europe    Urbex    ! Quality Pixels! No 2nd Life Images    France Urban Exploration    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    Wow! : )    This is Why I Love Photography    Arch Daily    Post industrial world.    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Décadence Urbaine    1,000,000 Photos!    Industrial Art    My absolute favorite pictures    Canon HDR    Photography Bay    Mood Creations(POST 1 AWARD 1!)    Nuevos Fotografos    Baked Urbex    Abstract Architecture    Lost, Abandoned And Photographed    One Architecture    flou! sharpness is such a bourgeois concept!    *****Conceptual Photography*****    Travel and Escapades    Architectural Beauty !    !! Fave it Up 60-120 (P1, A+F5)    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    HDR FUN    National Geographic | World Wide    Abandoned Beauties    HDR Creative Shots    Mission Abandoned    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    Urbex | Abandoned and forgotten    Abandoned - Forgotten - Decayed in Europe    28 Days Later    Midnight Photo Addict    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    PROGRESS PHOTO & Digital Picture (Partecipa alle discussioni).    CANON-NO LIMIT    Still Life Photography    Hand Selected Photographs    Abandonment (Moderated)    The world of photography    film's dead, but it just won't lie down    The beauty of decay    as beautiful as you want    ABSTRACTART    Artistic pictures    Beauty of Decay / Schönheit des Verfalls    UWA - Ultra Wide Angle    Conceptual Cinematic *Pics with stories*    Urbex Exteriors    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    The Amazing Photos    National Geographic Group    The Candid Frame    Need more faves?? (must already have at least 5+) POST 1-FAVE 2    The Abandoned and The Forgotten    For The Culture    abandoned asylums    Flickr Social Club    Fluidr    retratos,fotos, afotos    Exposition - A Gallery of Excellence    INTRUDERS URBAN EXPLORERS    Once was home    darkclub    Lost Italy - Urban Explorer    Urban Decay!    SHOW ME PICTURES    blurism    URBEX JUNKIES    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    Maison inhabitée, cabane, ruine, barrière    TU FOTO ES ARTE - MINIS ABIERTOS    About You - (P2C2)    Urbex Passion for Corridors    Friches et lieux oubliés    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    Urbex behind the Iron Curtain!    Lost (buildings, homes, vintage signs)    Urbex - HDR    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    Helios-44-2    Architektur----exklusiv----architecture #1    Post Apocalyptic    this is how I feel today*    High Dynamic Range - Urban Exploring -{HDR URBEX}    remains of a past grandeur    Belgium Urbex    Being There    Traum Noir    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    Abandoned, Decayed & Forgotten    some things are better than others!!!    PLANET EARTH BACK IN THE DAY    GOONIES    Industrial Urbex    ...PLACES...    RUST-is-ART    Industrial-Giants // Industrie-Giganten    **Urbex and Rural Decay**    my life is a picture...    OLD FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL DECAY AROUND THE WORLD    Urbex Interiors    Urbex Daily    AbanDonEd#    Architectural Decay    All Photos of World War I    BE FREE Photographer's Network    Strictly Symmetrical UrbEx    A New Form Of Beauty    Urban Visitors Belgium    Fairytale Urbex    * Stimmungen der Sonne * soul of sun *    Gebäude/Buildings    HDR WORLDWIDE    Urban Explore - Fotopool    Flickr OBSESSION'    Ruinen / Ruins    Angoli di borghi e città    Urbexer German    PRO★DIGI    FlurbeX: A Gnome Free Zone    Dark Urban tourism    Corridors, Rooms & Tunnels    Beauty in Decay..    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    Old & Aged    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦ Group Pool    URBEX: Inhabited Decay    Escaped Memories    ↑ Essential Art ↑    Urbex Freunde    Flickr Hall of Fame    Universal Art    1 Quadrillion Pix    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    We Shoot RAW    1000 Words by Grryo    flickr (unofficial)    Machinery HDR Effects    One Man's Trash    Around the World oder auch Rund um die Welt    lys foto magazine    digital is the devil    Creative art and photos, illustrations    alles aus metall***    Urbexmania    Canon EOS 6D    URBAN ARTE (P1 - A1)    Urbex Worldwide    Zahn der Zeit    Canon EOS 6D Group    !* Wonders of the World *Historical Valuables*Invite only P1/A1    AMPt Community    dream    The App Nerds - an '' Group    V's Interesting Gallery    UrbeX Files    Oblivion State    Abandoned and Forgotten    World Photographers' Photos WPP    The Passion of Photography    Urbex Community Lëtzebuerg    urbex forever    Mextures    Whats your style?    TheLostWorld    verlassene Orte & urban exploring    Urbex and Indistrial pool    AARH Magazine    Made with heart    **AMAZING shot** (Quality image only!)    FOTO-GRAFICA-MENTE    Black white and grey    The Dark Side Of The Light - No Second Life    Flickr No1 Pics    TOURISM magazine    Your best of the best    Curious Interestingness    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    Abandoned - Art of Decay    Magic of Photography    The Best ...    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    Abstract and Mysterious Berlin    your most beautiful pictures    URBEX BELGIQUE    Urbex around the world    ♥ AMERIKA ᵄᶩ⊺⁅ ᵣᶯªᶵ|ᵥ ͤ ⱭϺӬƦΪ₵Ѧ ♥    LOST PLACE Schweiz    Flickr's Best - Unlimited    + 99 Faves    LOST PLACES URBEX    Frames By Frames    An Interesting Lack of Humans    The World According to...    This is Why I Bought A Camera    minimalist motifs in decay    destroyed places    sfp Photo-Blog    try-to-sketch-it    my best photographs and others who believe they are yours.Mis me    Today's Flickr    *Nature Capture*    Einsturzgefahr! - Verfall - risk of collapse! - decay    The Forgotten Home    YOUPIC ON FLICKR    Urban@Landscape_Marche - edutainment@social    Your Perspective and Creative    GLOW !!    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    IDOLIZED LIPS OF THE WORLD. LABIOS IDOLATRADOS DEL MUNDO.    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    exploring lost places    My Favourite photo - la mia foto preferita    Flickr Explore It    100 favorites a group that wants to popular flick.    Colours of Flickr    Level:Travel    Pompous and ostentatious - Lost in Europe    Explore Flickr (unofficial)    EXPLORE OF THE WORK    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Specialistz™    NIGHT PHOTOS ENVIRONMENT.FOTOS DE AMBIENTE NOCTURNO    ~~~ Artistic Photography ~~~    Fotografia no Mundo!    ★ EUROPE ★ ЕВРОПА ★ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ★ EUROPA ★    ♥ MEXICO ˅ᴵ˅ᴬ MÉXICO ♥ pls Join us    Industrial decline    Curated Photos    International Photography Magazine    * The Upper Level *    Abstrakte Kunst    Montréal Photography    Passion Shots    ₪ VIRTUAL ☀ WORLDS ₪ pls AWARD tnx    Of stones and rocks    Compelling Images    WORLD AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS    Art Exploration    mundo global de fotografias    Eye Candy Pixels    ₪ kre-ART-ive ·⸎· lab-ART-ory ₪    Postales del mundo / Postcards of the world    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    ㋡ LUDI FOTO LOCO ⍨ PHOTO CRAZY PHOTO ㋡    Around the Earth / Rund um die Erde    The best picture of the world    Gloomylens    Solo Imaginacion    ₪ MASTERPIECE★✩✪✩★CHEF-D'ŒUVRE ₪ Comment≡Ꝛ 2    BlacK & LighT    The Rotten: Lost Places    Photography Jobs!    the U!    ~Attention Worthy - No 30/60 Limit    « less
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